This Maple tree always changes color later than most. It is actually a few days past it's fall peak in this picture but I still think it looks pretty. That's my land on the left and my house is just up that road on the left.
Does anyone know why for the last few years I haven't been able to find the Halloween Mix of candy corn. It had the chocolate cats in it. Did they stop making it? I can only find the Autumn Mix which has pumpkins but no cats. The cats were my favorite.
That's a pretty tree!
I've never seen the halloween mix with cats. Only the pumpkins and candy corn. Perhaps it's regional?
The corns are my fave, anyway :-)
What a pretty tree! And I'm not familiar with the mixes, autumn or Halloween!
Purdy tree. I've seen the pumpkins but no cats. God I love candy corn.
That's a straggler you've gotta love! Just beautiful. And a great area to live, by the looks of it.
Sorry, can't help about the candy. Hope you find it.
- Heidi :)
Love love love that picture! I so miss fall!
mmm, so pretty! our leaves are lame this year 'cause of the drought.
actually, i found a bag at ben franklin. have you checked like the special candy stores in the malls? i love the pumpkins
That's such a lovely picture, and let me get this straight, you LIVE there?! Gorgeous!
That sounds like interesting halloween mix - I've never seen it, don't think. I'm a chocolate bar and chips type of girl.
I've never seen the cats, and I am PASSIONATE about candy corn. Is this a regional thing? Because I am just down the road in CT, and WE OUGHT TO HAVE IT!
Found you through NABLOPOMO! Love your blog.
Oh my goodness! I had forgotten about those chocolate cats, they were the best and yes, it has een years since I've seen one of them... I remember my mom used to get them at the tiny little specialty candy shop in town but it must be 20 years since I've seen one...
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