Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Hello, I am feeling sorry for myself tonight. Don't know exactly why. Meds not working maybe. Too much Pinot Grigio. Could be both, except, I felt the same way yesterday afternoon and I wasn't drinkinig. It all started when I picked my son up from preschool. I observed the moms,
as they got out of their cars, talking to one another and I noticed some where waiting outside each others cars so they could walk together to the door to pick up their kids together. The only reason why I noticed these particular moms was because I had recently been to a Mom and children scrapbooking evening with 2 of them at one of their houses. They invited me to it, so thats good, right?, While I was there I kind of felt like I do around most local moms, left out. I hate to start from the beginning, so I'll try and make it short. I've been living in Vermont for 13 years and only over the past few years have I been interested in finding new female friends. I have found it a challenge on many levels. I find I am older than most moms of young children, 38, I find that most moms I meet are from here, and already have enough friends,Or I live way too out in the boonies for them to care to socialize with me. What happened yesterday that set my mood off, is that one of the moms that was supposed to call me with some info, didn't, and when I saw her she made no attempt to explain or even say hello to me. It made me feel like I was in High School again, I don't want to be there again. I don't want to worry about what people think of me and yet I want girlfriends. My husband is my best friend and I can talk about anything with him and he always understands and loves me for who I am. Why else is he with me after 10 years? So why do I care if some local moms like me? Why waste my energy and time worrying about what they think of me. I shouldn't take if personal right? People like me, my co-workers think I am funny. I have a friend who goes out to dinner with me and a movie once in a while. I have old friends who like me and my husband, who' s most important likes me and thinks I am funny. I am funny, and I am loveable damnit!


Anonymous said...

You are lovable dammit! You are also a great nurse! I moved to vermont almost 5 years ago and I am in the same boat. I have left mommy-and-me groups because I feel like I am back in high school. I don't have time for the catty s*&t.

Vermonters, if you are a transplant, are very friendly, but make friends VERY slowly. They are a "tough nut to crack" so to speak.

You should come scrapbook at my house - I still haven't finished my wedding scrapbook!

Hope things look up tomorrow!
Think of me in NYC watching the Rachael Ray show!

Anonymous said...

You know, she probably forgot all about that. It wasn't personal. How could it be? It's YOU we're talking about!

I've had similar feelings. I'm a first time SAHM @ 36. I've been lucky to find a few neighbors who work part-time and/or are SAHMs in my same age group. It's kinda rare around here too. ;)