Friday, May 25, 2007

What's New Mr. Magoo?

My daughter has Bratz, Barbie, cloud, hot pink and snow flake sheets. My son has Thomas, Hot Wheels and Rug Rat sheets. But they never had anything like these sheets....

Did anyone else have Mr. Magoo bicentennial sheets in 1976? Or a dad that took pictures of them while they were sleeping?

Happy Memorial Day


the stefanie formerly known as stefanierj said...

If I had been that cute, I wouldn't have needed cute licensed characters sheets. You are toooo adorable!

Happy Mem Day to you too!

Anonymous said...

No, in 1976 I had Bambi sheets. And Raggedy Ann and Andy sheets.

BabyonBored said...

That is hilarious!! I guess you-know-who let you put up you-know-what! So so cute. I've got to find some fun sheets. Maybe ebay.

BabyonBored said...

Oh my God, I've been having the WORST time blogrolling you and I finally made it work!!!!!! I'm way too excited about it.

Susan in Italy said...

Excellent! I remember my brothers had Battlestar Gallactica, Spider Man and Speed Racer and I had lots of gaudy flowers.

Lainey-Paney said...

In '76, I was half egg, half sperm.

hellomelissa said...

you were right about who E looks like!

i had hollie hobbie sheets. t had star wars. h has star wars. s has plain ol' red sheets... but a leopard print duvet cover.